a space for all medical educators

What is Scaling the Heights?

Scaling the Heights is an organisation of like-minded medical educationalists based around the UK.

The educational activities we provide aim to enable participants to learn more effectively and enjoyably.

We are committed to learner-centred teaching and in particular valuing the individual. We believe that by focusing on valuing one another we can contribute significantly to a healthier and happier morale and ethos in the Health Service, and ultimately to an improved standard of patient care.

some cool facts (over the years)

Numbers speak for themselves

Years of Experience

Join our committee, or become a member if you prefer.   

Get excited, get involved!


  • Jim Bartlett – GP Educator and Appraiser , former TPD & AD W Midlands & Severn , now retired from clinical work but still oddly busy!
  • Avril Danczak – GP, Medical Educator,  (Manchester)
  • Kevin Illsley – GP Educator & CCG Medical Advisor (West Midlands), Clinically retired
  • Iain Lamb – GP Educator (Scotland), Clinically retired
  • Ramesh Mehay – GP, GP Trainer, Former TPD (Yorkshire & the Humber)
  • Sabena Jameel – Medical Professionalism lead and Quality Lead for University of Birmingham Medical School & GP (West Midlands)
  • Kay Mohanna – GP, GP Trainer, Professor of ValuesBased Healthcare Education (Univ. Worcester Institute of Health & Society)
  • Tim Sanders – GP, & TPD (North Cumbria)
  • Shake Seigel – GP Appraiser (West Midlands). Clinically retired.
  • Alan Shirley – GP, Former TPD (Yorkshire & the Humber)
  • Mike Tomson – Clinically retired GP (Yorkshire & the Humber), medical educator, coach, Primary care sustainability advocate 
  • Mark Waters – GP (West Midlands)


1.  Learning and teaching are systemic

Learning involves the whole person, the social, the emotional, and the physical as well as the cognitive. We aim to balance the scientific and reductionist basis for teaching medicine by recognising the relationship between physical and mental states in learning.

2.  Learning is Personal

We learn and teach in a variety of ways and there is no one right way to learn. We explore a wide range of learning/teaching activities to achieve a flexible response to the diversity of learning styles and contexts.

3. Learning is more effective when learners are motivated intrinsically and are in control of their own learning

We believe that even in training contexts where there is an ‘external’ agenda it is possible to help learners harness their internal motivation to achieve these requirements. On Scaling the Heights courses we explore the processes involved in sharing and transferring power and control from facilitator to learner.

4. Those who have considered their own development are better equipped to help others develop and implement change

Within Scaling The Heights we set a premium on our own development as educators and to this end we aim to meet regularly to share teaching/learning experiences and learn from one another.


Nurturing our desire to learn


Learning in context


Learning together


Making a difference


Teaching others to teach others

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